

There are stories we tell to one-up each other, and then there is this blog. Read wondrous tales of strange creatures, explore the depths of human indecency, and hopefully laugh a little as we find out what could possibly make people do what they do.

Bad Apples

Bad Apples

A colleague came up to me the other day and said that he appreciates some teaching materials I put together on IDs. He then said a few weeks after he got 22 in one night!

The most I ever confiscated in one night, as you’ve read on here, was seven. It’s a popular number as I’ve caught seven IDs in one night on eight different occasions.

This is by no means an ‘aw shucks, I’m not good anymore’ post. I’m flat-out excited that these types of numbers are happening. Wilt’s venue is more than five times the size of mine. My bar doesn’t have a DJ or dance floor, and we have no parking. I’m very glad other places are acting like it’s a big-time issue.

Our bar tends to get the overflow crowd or the cheapskates. We have our elites and money managers and bigwigs, sure, but for the most part it’s recent college grads and concert goers unwilling to pay double digits for a tall boy.

So something major would need to happen for us to get 22 in one night and not have one person in the middle of that crowd raise a finger and say, “Hold up. I think something’s going on here.”

Bad Apples

The title. Bad Apples. I was going to do a deep dive on negativity, but Wilt shared the big news and I decided to take my foot off the gas a little.

While the IDs aren’t necessarily dwindling, we have had an uptick of amazingly obnoxious behavior.

We’re starting to turn away people in record numbers. A dozen here. A dozen there. People cannot control themselves any more. And these aren’t even full moon nights.

The most rotten apple of them all was a woman kicked out for “pinballing” last Saturday. Pinballing is when you start walking one way and then at the first touch of a wall or a person, you start careening off course, bouncing into everyone and everything because you lack motor skills to correct yourself.

As Hermione (pinball > pinball wizard > wizard > girl wizard > Hermione), was exiting we informed her she would not be allowed back inside. We asked her multiple times if she had friend still inside, an open tab, or if she would like some water. She refused to answer the first two and declined the water. Not much we can do after that.

I asked her if she had a ride home, and then she proceeded to video record me.

I think it was straight phone camera and not Facebook Live or Snapchat.

I hadn’t done anything wrong so I let it go. Plus, despite being this big, I’m rarely caught on camera. #GiantNinja

Things took a turn when Hermione started talking to people in line.

“This guy kicked me out for NOOOOO reason.”

“You’re so fired, buddy. I know people.”

“I know (generic affluent person’s name with no influence), and he’s gonna fire you.”

“This guy let’s in minors! I’m gonna show this to the police and you’re gonna get arrested.”

So I called the cops (non-emergency). Turns out, there’s nothing much police can do if someone’s outside and on the parking lot. A person in line would’ve needed to call them but they just let it go as ‘some crazy lady that got kicked out of the bar.’

Which is … true.

After her “you let in a minor” quip I walked over to her and asked her if she would let me know who was underage. Nobody was underage because I literally had just let in people I knew were my age.

She opened up the video and played it.

I should let everyone know Hermione is about 5-foot-2.

So she holds the camera chest high most of the time.

And this city is filled with taller-than average people.

Nothing but butts.

Reputation Earned

Reputation Earned

Thirteenth Night

Thirteenth Night