

There are stories we tell to one-up each other, and then there is this blog. Read wondrous tales of strange creatures, explore the depths of human indecency, and hopefully laugh a little as we find out what could possibly make people do what they do.

Nine Thousand Jumping Jacks

Nine Thousand Jumping Jacks

Well, 9,300 jumping jacks, to be exact.

And like Joe Biden to a group of big money donors, nothing fundamentally changed.

Starting Weigh-In (March 2)

  • 292

Final Weigh-In (March 31)

  • 289

Yes, that’s because of the quarantine. And the end of the intermittent fasting, which is impossible to do when you wake up and start a Zoom meeting in your pajamas. Our scale broke and I was 289 the last day I weighed myself but my diet didn’t change. Why?

I had so much breakfast. Peanut Butter Puffs cereal, omelettes before noon, tomaca. All the essentials for a barriga feliz.

With no clients to ‘suit up’ for at work and nobody to intimidate outside the bar, there’s really no point to shaving my head, either. Most of my head, anyway. I’m still shaving my face once a week.

Before you ask, many of you will get a chance to see these flourishing follicles for at least one bar and venue shift when they re-open. Then it’s back to the chopping block until the next apocalypse.

January: 100 Squats




February: 100 Pushups



March: 300 Jumping Jacks


As for my adventures in cardio-plyometrics, it was more a test of will than of body. Some days I could barely muster 10 sets of 30, while other days (like one on some friends’ porch) I did three sets of 100. More days than not I stuck to a standard of 60 or 75 per set. It’s a shame that we’re all still holed up and the weather is terrible, because now would be a great time to show off my exploding calves.

Sorry, ladies and gents.

I am also changing the roster of challenges due to the quarantine. I am going to replace Burpees again with an ab medley. I feel a lot safer doing Burpees on gym turf than on pavement, and the medley will combine several previous months into one workout that I will repeat three times this year. The first, featuring a 30-second plank in April, then 60 seconds in August, and 90 seconds in December. And, for the first time, I will incorporate a rest day every six days (6th, 12th, 18th, 24th, 30th).

April: Ab Medley (4 Sets of 30 seconds: Russian Twists, Planks, Boat Pose, Shimmies)

May: 80 Triceps Dips (bench/chair)

June: 80 Spider-Man pushups

July: 100 Burpees

August: Ab Medley (4 Sets of 30 seconds: Russian Twists, Planks, Boat Pose, Shimmies)

September: 3 One-Minute Wall Sits

October: 100 Supermans

November: 100 lunges (50 each side)

December: Ab Medley (4 Sets of 30 seconds: Russian Twists, Planks, Boat Pose, Shimmies)

An ABysmal April

An ABysmal April

Jumpin' Jack Flash

Jumpin' Jack Flash