

There are stories we tell to one-up each other, and then there is this blog. Read wondrous tales of strange creatures, explore the depths of human indecency, and hopefully laugh a little as we find out what could possibly make people do what they do.

Things a Bar Isn't

Things a Bar Isn't

A pipsqueak of a human tried to rush into the bar yelling that she's 21. 

Actually, 23, her friend exclaimed.

But she came in from the rain missing one vital aspect her claim - the ID.

"I'm 21! I'm 21! I don't have to show you anything!"

"Call the law! Get them down here. I can prove it. I'll show them pictures."

"Call the LAW! I'll call my attorney and you can deal with the LAW!"

"It worked at the movie theater!"

A bar is not a movie theater.

A bar is also not a doctor's office.

"What's the co-pay?"

"Do you mean cover?"

"Um ... maybe."

A bar is not a rural farmhouse in Nebraska.

"Are you the guard dog?"

A bar is not a 4-hour waystation.

"How much for a Hennessy and Coke?"

"We don't have Hennessy."

"You have Crown (Royal)?"


"How much for that and coke?"

"Six dollars."

"Well, I don't have that!"


"Do you know what a bubble do?"

"What does a bubble do?"

"It formulate. It rise up. Then. IT BURSTS!"

"I'm not done formulating yet. So I ain' burst yet. But I'm about to at 1:30. Then we're going to have a talk. But you best stop pointing at me and disrespecting females. I see you with your umbrella. Disrespectful. You a MAN. You gon' BURST. I see you."

Three hours and 45 minutes later the man leaves. He was not present nor did I burst at 1:30. He did finagle about 40 free cigarettes, though, albeit after he finished his half-drunk bottle of Hennessy he was holding during the entire opening conversation.

A bar is not a changing room.

A bar is not a fight club.

A bar is not a bread bin.

A bar, or rather my bar, is not a haven for minors.

A bar is not a sanctuary city.

A bar is not a roadside Tim Hortons.

A bar is not Thunderdome.

A bar is not a deli.

So why do people keep getting confused?

Friday Fake No. 1 (253): Oregon Trail

Date: October 13, 2017

Weather: Cool

Health: Good

Food: 100 Pounds

Next Landmark: 0 Miles

Everyone in your party has died

Many fake wagons fail to make it to my bar.

Friday Fake No. 2: (254): What's in a name?

Was it Stephanie or Stephi?  Either way, Facebook says it's Amanda.

Saturday Fakes Nos. 1 & 2 (255 & 256): Pennsylvania 2-0000

That's the state where the fakes were from, the amount of the fakes in one sweep and the combined IQ of dudebros holding said fakes.

Time and Relative Dissension In Space

Time and Relative Dissension In Space

Feeling It and Finding Purpose Where None Should Exist

Feeling It and Finding Purpose Where None Should Exist