Hard Rock Bottom & The Pissing Magician

I can’t even fit the story of 5-foot-6 guy giving me the middle finger while playing the “I’m not touching you” game because it’s not remotely close to the top two moments of last weekend. I’m only mentioning it because now you have to visualize it.

The Toiletry Amigos

If you think men’s bathrooms are bodily fluid horror shows, women’s bar bathrooms are essentially Thunderdome meets Splash Mountain, and there’s always like 15 people jammed inside.

Snowed In

Cold weather makes people do dumb things. The synapses aren’t firing appropriately. One word becomes another, like how a Chevy Traverse becomes a Chevy Toyota in zero degrees.

You Only Live Onesie

If you’re unfamiliar with slanguage, it’s like trying to convey everything in one succinct line while also sounding like you’ve gone batshit insane. It was very popular in the 1920s and 30s.

Half-Assed Bullshit

We had a fight. A donnybrook. A brawl. A good old fashioned melee. Boys run amok. But this post isn’t about the fight. That’s the next post. This is about what happens in between.