

There are stories we tell to one-up each other, and then there is this blog. Read wondrous tales of strange creatures, explore the depths of human indecency, and hopefully laugh a little as we find out what could possibly make people do what they do.



Yeah, I didn’t follow my September fitness plan at all.

I stuck it out for a solid 5 days. Five sets of 20 pushups and squats. Through that first weekend, through the 311 show, through Labor Day.

And then Tuesday hit and I only did 65 pushups with the squats.

And then Wednesday I made up the 35 pushups, but didn’t do the squats.

Thursday I had a show. I actually had a show 15 of September’s 30 days.

By the end of the week I was flying to Denver.

Where I did 50 pushups and 50 squats … the entire duration of my trip.

Not great.

I did walk up and down the steps of Red Rocks. Twice. Mainly to look for the bathroom and the bar, but my legs and lungs burned enough to think it counted as vigorous exercise.

I kinda just stopped after that.

A few here, a few there.

Can’t say I feel much different from the month before.

And yet, I threw a keg almost 39 feet. You ever throw a keg that far?

That’s got to be worth something in the pantheon of early-to-mid 30’s fitness goals.

My new fitness goal for October is basically just, “don’t eat all the doughnuts you can.” Also, give away excess Halloween candy, which is going to be difficult because I decided to be a full size candy bar household last year. I work more this month, and that time upright definitely keeps all the gains at bay.

Less doughnuts and more working.

Surely that won’t crumble in 30 days.

Ooooh, crumble.

Cookie crumbles.


I’ll see everyone in a month.

I Did a Water Fast

I Did a Water Fast

Repaying My Fat Tax

Repaying My Fat Tax