

There are stories we tell to one-up each other, and then there is this blog. Read wondrous tales of strange creatures, explore the depths of human indecency, and hopefully laugh a little as we find out what could possibly make people do what they do.

Oh, What Could Have Been

Oh, What Could Have Been

Last weekend was one for the books. 

Here's a quick rundown of the four IDs because we need to get to the sheer amount of batshitery that took place.

426 & 427: Accompanied Minors

I was having some trouble telling if the first kid's ID was fake, but ultimately I gave it back to him. The second kid, on the other hand, was very fake. An old Illinois that would've put the 18 or 19-year-old at 25. And then the third. THE THIRD!

The third kid wasn't going to walk away empty-handed. Because he offered to shake mine after I confiscated it.

"That's fair," he said. Then he went for the handshake I couldn't refuse. 

Why can't they all be this nice?

428: Wyawning

This was so fake it was boring. Again, if a state is so small that wild animals outnumber people in their biggest cities (I'm assuming), then it's probably fake. 

429: I-OH-A

I already had the ID when the girl asked how she was going to get it back because she was from Iowa. I told her to go back to Iowa and buy a better fake ID.

Plus I've lived in Iowa. Why are you trying so hard?

Nobody stayed long enough for me to get a good report together but OH MY SHIT did things happen in rapid succession. We're talking something out-crazying the other after 5 or 10 minutes. So this week I'm deciding to tease out what headlines you could be reading, had people stayed just one drink longer. I have to note that some of these things are what people actually said. *Anything racial is purely inferred from their point of view.

The Dusty Cowboy & His 3 Black Hookers

"I'm Too Mexican?"

Boss Hogg Gets Roasted

Fence Jumper Grindr Humper

The White Claw Corner Trio

Hold My Teeth

The Simple Life 2: Paris Hilton & Chief Keef 

Vagabond, James Vagabond

A Tale of Two Shitties

Sobriety Walk Money Drop

Long Hair Do Care

Fastest Pants Pisser in the West

Plastic Penises & Voided Dreams

I was also bequeathed a new nickname last weekend - 7-ft Bald. And I think it rolls off the tongue quite nicely. Let's hope people stay a bit longer and we can flesh out next week's stories.

The Many Falsehoods of a Saturday Night

The Many Falsehoods of a Saturday Night

"We're on to Cincinnati."

"We're on to Cincinnati."