All tagged Fake IDs

Mysterious Ways

Next week I'm going for the Freshman 15. Fifteen IDs - including eight in one night - to break my daily and weekend record with the new crop of college kids thinking we're the easy bar.

Back in Black

I've been asked this question more often than height or shoe size in the last few weeks. And it's getting old. Why do I wear the gloves? Because y'all are nasty.


Special bonus edition of Big Bad Jon's bouncer anthology because I didn't want to ramble on for 3,000 words on a Monday night.

Cakecdote: A Sonnet

After tales of baldness, full moons, fun facts, perceived racism, muscle hamsters, excuses piled high, cascading carbs and a Sunday surprise, I present to you the first and only fake ID sonnet. 

The 100 Emoji

Two hours into my Sunday shift, a shift where I wasn't on the schedule and there was little reason for me to stay beyond 11 p.m., I went outside for some fresh, springtime air.