Big Bad Jon

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Sick Day

Taking a sick day, this is a new one for me. 

I can't remember the last time I had a sick day, or if one ever occurred in my professional life post-college.

And it's stupid. I've traded off between DayQuil and NyQuil, chicken soup and a half-gallon of orange juice. And I only feel marginally better.

So this is a short one.

I didn't catch anything on Friday, although one fine young gentleman yelled the following things at me:

"You're parents don't think you're awesome!"

"I bet you had a crappy childhood!"

Saturday Fake No. 1 (315): The Odd Couple

When a finely-dressed couple walks up I immediately think two things - are they lost and aren't they too old for this place.

Well, it turns out they might have been trying a bluff. Because I thought they looked as old as I am, but the girl had a fake and the guy had just turned 21. Sometimes clothes do make all the difference.

Saturday Fake Nos. 2 & 3 (316 & 317): Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun

It was a two-for-one special when one guy walked up and handed a blatantly bad ID, only to come back and offer his duplicate as a second form of ID FOUR MINUTES LATER.

Saturday Fake No. 4 (318): The First Name is the Hardest

No, no it's not.

Saturday Fake No. 5 (319): Brace Yourself

The most appropriate age for braces is what, 13-17? But I get that someone 25 would have braces, too. The only problem is the woman on the ID looked 25, but the woman with the ID looked age appropriate for braces.