Mysterious Ways

Next week I'm going for the Freshman 15. Fifteen IDs - including eight in one night - to break my daily and weekend record with the new crop of college kids thinking we're the easy bar.

Blame Canada

I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice? But, like Gremlins, they turn into nasty little creatures when they imbibe too many Busch Light tallboys.


The path to 200 IDs was one of the most exciting roller coasters I've ever ridden. But like coasters, the adrenaline fades and all you can do is prepare yourself for the hill to climb. 

Back in Black

I've been asked this question more often than height or shoe size in the last few weeks. And it's getting old. Why do I wear the gloves? Because y'all are nasty.

Not Quite Over The Top

There's nothing quite like a dozen strangers yelling that you suck at the top of their lungs. I mean, I'm used to it by being a Wisconsin fan in Michigan, but they didn't know that.

Pet Peeves

We all have pet peeves. The things that we see others do that for some mostly unknown reason just bugs the crap out of us.