Big Bad Jon

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Big Bad Concert Rankings: 150-141

I was on vacation last week so there’s no big bar story. But I have plenty of concerts left to rank. We went to a tennis tournament in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and had some fun with family, and also saw Queen + Adam Lambert. Yes, I was one of those people that saw Bohemian Rhapsody and bought show tickets. In all fairness to the band, it was more theater than rock show. It will make an appearance later in this list, just not near where many of you would think a band of Queen’s caliber would land.

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I also have an idea for a concert tour series. Pair two acts with major appeal from wildly different genres. It’s a co-headlining tour so fanbases will be all-in, especially if this tour is the only one the band does all year. Have all shows come with a stipulation that you have to be in your seat/arena by the first song, or you don’t get to watch it. But here’s the kicker - all show orders are randomized so you don’t know which act will come out first. Let’s take the two album releases today as an example, Tool and Lana Del Rey.

Each has a very specific fanbase. As someone who’s worked a Tool show, it could be tamer. As someone who also likes Lana Del Rey, it could be more energetic. I once worked at the bar the night of a KISS show and a Ke$ha show.

Musically different? Sure. Politically congruent? Hell to the no. And yet they were two sides of the same coin.

One line of 21-60 year old girls and guys in black and white face paint vs … 21-60 year old girls and guys in glitter blue and pink face paint. It was a musical coalition only Jackson Pollock could dream up.

And that’s also what’s happening with this list. There’s a lot of acts paired near each other that don’t make much sense as to why they’re grouped together. Just because you have a big stadium act doesn’t mean it was a great show. Sometimes it’s how you move the audience in the space you create. How cool would it to see Jonas Brothers with Sabaton, or Hanson and Ludacris? I’d pay to see those shows (speaking from a place where I got paid to work those shows).

150 - Sick Puppies

God, I miss Peoples on Court in Des Moines, Iowa. It was my favorite local venue in college and where I saw four shows on this list, including Mutemath and Sick Puppies, the original lineup with Shim.

149 - Tesla

Ahh, the joys of working at a venue. Sometimes you get to see a show twice. As was the case with Tesla. This time, however, I took my mom (ticket comps) and had a blast before going to work and catching 5 fakes in 30 minutes.

148 - Tesla

Why does this Tesla rank higher than the last Tesla? I guess it’s because it’s the most recent, and the more time passes you start really appreciating Jeff Keith, who is 60, belting high notes.

147 - The Kooks

The third entry of the Peoples On Court concerts was some light-hearted Britpop. If anyone isn’t familiar with the Kooks, they were really famous for pissing off the Arctic Monkeys and vice versa. The Kooks lead singer once kicked the other lead in the head, which is mental for someone who wrote a song called “Love it All” that made the rounds on plenty of TV shows.

146 - Santana

Supernatural is one of the best albums of all time. Hands down. But you know what the problem with a compilation album? None of those people show up consistently on tour. So, while you get great Santana classics and amazing solos, you also get some random dude singing Smooth.

145 - Hanson

I have to say, I was impressed by Hanson. A 28-song setlist and MMMBop wasn’t even the last song. And as impressive as the show was, I was probably more surprised that the nobody in the sellout crowd, after hearing MMMBop, left. Also worthy of note, as the people were leaving, a woman scratched my stomach like she was petting a tiger at the zoo.

144 - The Fray

Going from a 28-song setlist in a sold-out venue to a half sold amphitheater and a 10-song setlist, but man, did The Fray play the shit out of those 10 songs. How to Save a Life is still a hit 12 years on and one of the best single-song memories from my time at Summerfest because the band allowed the GA pit to join them on stage.

143 - Jonas Brothers [Demi Lovato]

From sold out small to show to half filled amp to over capacity amp show. Summerfest oversold the amp by 2,000 people because, well, girls are smaller, I guess. Alcohol sales were basically nonexistent due to 23,000 of the 25,000 fans being 12 and one of the tour shirts actually spelled “Jonas Brothers Tuor” but nothing mattered. Not even the music. The screaming. Oh, LAWD the screaming. If anything, the JoBros taught me that if I can handle thousands of tween girls screaming at the top of their lungs for an hour, I can handle the Megans in Leggins’ they grew up to be today.

142 - Com Truise [Nosaj Thing]

Yep. The 6-foot-8, 300-pound bouncer is a fan of chillwave. It’s not my preferred music, but if you ever want to calm way the hell down and half sleep in a music venue without drinking or doing drugs, chillwave is there for you.

141 - Sabaton [Kreator]

Nobody prepared me for what Sabaton was/is/will be. Historical Battlefield Ballad Swedish Power Metal. Their videos are insane. Imagine watching a historical war docudrama and then that guitar zombie dude from Mad Max: Fury Road rolls by. The stage show is eerily similar, albeit with less pyro and more readily available water resources.