Big Bad Jon

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January Results

The good news is I didn’t get fat again.

You know how it is, you diet for a few weeks, drop the weight, and then bad habits rear their ugly heads and BOOM, weight gain.

With 100 squats per day, that didn’t happen.

I didn’t really lose weight.

So, here are the results:

Starting Weigh In (January 1)

  • 302

Final Weigh In (February 1)

  • 297

And the rest I didn’t really measure. I’m guessing I got another quarter to half inch on my thighs, and an inch off my waist. Definitely testing that new belt loop, though.

What did this really do for me, overall? I can’t say. I think the act of doing something that repetitiously for a solid month was good, and yet I’m not planning on doing (squats) anytime soon. That punishment/reward line is just too thin. At first, I could do a set of 20 here and then 15 there. By the final week I was capable of two sets of 50.

At the gym, I would change things up and go twin sets of 20 with the bar, followed by light weights up to 135, and even 225 for the final gym day.

My overall strength wasn’t diminished, but my legs look a lot better. Which … doesn’t really help in winter.

My next task is 100 pushups per day. That’s going … about as rough as the first set of squats.

And the diet. The ol’ intermittent fasting. There have been some cheat days. I’m doing really well at eating afternoon, it’s just the stopping at night that’s the issue. I caught myself, then decided to let myself get off scot free, with a peanut butter sandwich at 11 p.m. last night.

After eating steak and sautéed onions and mushrooms only a couple hours earlier.

Onward we go.