Big Bad Jon

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The Game is Afoot

A few weeks ago I mentioned my Rogues Gallery, the select few who made the early hours of January 1, 2018, memorable.

Sometimes I feel as if I need some arch-nemesis. The Moriarty to my Sherlock - which is weird because Moriarty is already a family name. I wonder if the forgers, whether they be in China, Canada, Eastern Europe or in various domestic locales, consider the result of their works.

Or, perhaps they feel as if once the IDs are postmarked, and the money is in their bank accounts, it's time to work on the next project. 

That's probably the case, but it's fun to ponder.

What if the nemesis is some local supplier who keeps flooding the market with better and better IDs trying to catch someone like me off guard. What if I'm the control in his or her experiment?  Like, say I find an average of six IDs a weekend, but his or her new design is allowing 12 to 20 minors in at some other bar, yet still being stopped at my front door.

And, look, it's not that I'm saying other bars are porous, but there is often a fake ID user that will already have a hand stamp from another business.

In the meantime, I'll just have to keep dealing with henchmen.

Friday Fakes Nos. 1 & 2 (341 & 342): Smokey and the Banned It

Michigan fakes are becoming easier to spot. Apparently, Teslin became easy to print on or something, because they're everywhere. And most often the font is mismatched; the feel is either too rigid or too matte. If reports are accurate that people are paying $150 for this new crop, then they're being ripped off harder than duct tape off a made-for-TV movie hostage.

His buddy, did I mention they arrived together? Well, he had a fake Tennessee that had a sticker covering the ID. One problem, Tennessee IDs are one solid object and don't use adhesive laminations. 

Saturday Fake No. 1 (343): Cancer Scared

Saturday, I stood up to cancer. Well, a person faking having a disease to get into a bar with her friend's identification card which she "didn't know how her boyfriend's younger sister would ever know where it is or how to use it?"

Cue the Dr. Evil "Riiiiiiiight." 

Oh, her cancer fake was that she was wearing a wig. She wasn't.

Saturday Fake No. 2 (344): Designated Dumbass

"Can I have it back and be let in if I promise not to drink? I'm the DD!"

Between this and tide pods I'm starting to hate Generation Z.

The final two IDs were poor uses of real IDs. Nothing special about either.

Which is what it usually comes down to. There's nothing special about using a fake ID.