Big Bad Jon

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All's Unwell When Everything Goes to Hell

I was in a bad mood last weekend (at work). And not just any bad mood, but one where I didn’t want to be around anyone, for any reason (at work). And I’m putting the parentheses in there because this was only a work issue. Well, not so much a workplace problem, but an other people problem.

Which might explain why I’ve been listening to so much punk music lately. Full disclosure, I never went through the emo phase, I don’t wear a lot of black clothing unless it’s a concert tee, undershirt, or socks, and I have no desire to ever get anything tattooed or pierced.

Society is really getting on my nerves.

As someone who has a growing list of minor nuisance enemies, people aren’t acting right more often. There’s too much ‘offended’ going on in the world. But it’s not the offended you’re thinking of. Social justice warrior, you can keep on warrior-ing. I’m backing you 100 percent. People who are genuinely triggered by others, this is also a safe space.

I’m getting annoyed by people/customers who are “offended” that they now have to deal with and confront other people having emotions and feelings.

And all of this coming from someone who doesn’t have a lot of sympathy or show a lot, if any, emotion. I am a very cut-and-dry person. Right and wrong. Even my favorite movie scene is about not living in a gray area.

Who, then, at the bar is giving me this societal headache? I’ll give you a hint, they all like the orange guy.

The ‘fuck your feeling’s’ crowd are a bunch of whiny assholes that are constantly looking for some kind of confrontation.

When they know they’re wrong.

When they know they don’t have all the information available to them.

Or when they’re just too stupid to stay out of their way.

In other words, the entitled elite.

Now, are there lower-class people who like the orange guy? Yes. Absolutely. But like the Jack Reacher adage goes, cops don’t drive Cadillacs and they don’t vote democrat, so you wouldn’t expect the crowd that can’t handle a football player kneeling to be all that sensitive to societies’ ills.

Rich people and their kids? You’d think they’d be smart enough to have a baseline of general knowledge and understanding of how the world works.

Nope. Which sucks because the world is on fire and they all have the tools to put it out.

Relating to bar life: the same class of society that says you should respect authority and the law because their dad’s a lawyer become ravenous and verbally abusive mongrels when you pocket a little piece of plastic that never belonged to them in the first place.

Rant over.