Big Bad Jon

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Big Bad Jon's Beach Boys BBQ Blowout Bash Blast

It's cold. And it's going to be cold forever because we live in a perpetual state of Winterfellian nightmare scenarios. And I have to work in 19-degree weather this weekend.

In April.

Climate change is real, folks.

This oncoming third or fourth winter is why I'm deciding to cheer myself, and yourselves, up with what's making me laugh. Some of you may chuckle or find it mind-numbingly dumb, or if you're like me, in tears.

I'll get to the IDs from last week, but frankly, they're not that funny.

All of these are very NSFW.

Laugh Track No. 5: Todd Glass & Paul F. Tompkins' Juice Genie

Laugh Track No. 4: Todd Glass Doesn't Know U2

Laugh Track No. 3: Pachanga's

Laugh Track No. 2: Joe Santagato's Mad Libs 11

Laugh Track No. 1: Dissecting The Gathering of the Juggalos

Up to 381 IDs now.

Most weren't great stories. Or funny.

I'll leave you with a quote from No. 377.

"That's 100% my real ID."

"Yeah, it's not that great."

"Sir, I'm 110% telling you that's my real ID."

"Well, I'm telling you I'm 120% sure it's fake."

Waits 3 minutes. Some backstory. The ID is Illinois, but he's wearing an Ohio college sweater.

"Sir, I need my ID to drive back to Ohi...Illinois. Shit."

Set 'em up. Knock 'em down.